Sunday, June 26, 2011

Looking for Giveaway Sponsors!

Woof and I talked about becoming a review/giveaway blog, and we'd love to start off with a bang. After entering giveaways myself for a few months, I am very aware of how to promote giveaways-- especially big ones! I had an idea that will reach lots of people and I'm really excited about it: Back to School Bash. The idea isn't for younger kids, but college-aged kids like myself and Woof. Not only will this help us to know what we should get for our new apartment, but it'll hopefully help out some other college students getting ready for school as well!

We're looking for sponsors for giveaways that would have to do with college life. Please contact us with your product! In this case, we will be happy to just host a giveaway, but if you would like we can review your product as well!

Other than the Bash, we're also looking for anyone else looking to host a giveaway with us (especially fellow etsy sellers!).

It's important to us that your product is of interest to us, or we won't be able to write about it. After all, this blog is also about a couple of college students, and while between us there is a HUGE group of things we're interested in, there is also a pretty big group of things we're not. A short list: baby stuff, re-usable shopping bags/purses (we get way too many of these), sippy cups, bathroom stuff (we prefer to pick it out ourselves), makeup (I have it, and Woof doesn't wear it), maternity wear, etc.

Things we really really want to review, giveaway, or BOTH: Dish sets, Silverware, dorm stuff, pots and pans, fun kitchen stuff, fun gadgets, geeky stuff, etsy products, clothing of all kinds except maternity and baby, art for the walls, FOOD, etc.

That's all for now. If you're interested in working with us, please contact us, we'd LOVE to hear from you!


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